Hello! I'm Tess, and I’ve been doing various freelance art projects for about 7 years,
and am currently in the process of finishing my degree in Web Design.

I've worked with many different kinds of clients, and I love learning new skills and new mediums, so I’m always enthusiastic to take on exciting projects outside my comfort zone. I’m bold, ambitious, artistic, efficient, and experimental.
I'm open to projects, recurring work,
or full employment/agency work/retainers.
If you'd like to consult with me about a project, feel free to
use my contact page, email me at contact.rat.piss@gmail.com
or reach out on Instagram @ratt_piss
I usually respond within a day

Please include details about the project including:
what it is, what it's for, deadline, and budget.
I might see the message and still not respond, please wait at least 24 hours from sending before following up. I'm usually working it in my schedule.

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